The NEW AIAM 620 Changing Attitudes/Creating Opportunities - VOD

We all deal with stress but the way you handle stress makes all the difference. This webinar examines the different ways stress is managed and how to keep a positive attitude while dealing with our clients and co-workers.  


  1. Intro
  2. Stress Comes in Two Ways
    1. Positive Stress
    2. Negative Stress
  3. Types of Stress
    1. Perennial Stress
    2. Crisis Stress
  4. Causes of Work Related Stress
    1. Work overload
    2. Ambiguous job responsibilities
    3. Difficult boss
    4. No input
    5. Lack of training
    6. Constant industry changes
  5. How People Approach Stress
    1. Avoidance
    2. Accommodating
    3. Win/Lose
    4. Compromising
    5. Problem solving
  6. Positive Attitude
    1. Act instead of reacting
    2. No regrets
    3. Sense of humor
    4. Be in charge
  7. Conclusion
  8. UE